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The Analects (literally: "Edited Conversations")also known as the Analects of Confucius, is a collection of sayings and ideas attributed to the Chinese philosopher Confucius and his contemporaries, traditionally believed to have been compiled and written by Confucius' followers. It is believed to achieve its final form in the early Warring States period (475–221 BC). The Analects is a work of quotation expounding Confucius' views on political propositions, ethical thoughts, morality concepts and educational principles. It was recognized as one of the "Four Books". The Analects has been one of the most widely read and studied books in China for the last 2,000 years, and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today.

作 者

孔子(公元前551年―公元前479年) ,春秋末期鲁国人。孔子是中国古代著名教育家、文学家、政治家、思想家,他倡导仁、义、礼、智、信,是儒家学派创始人,并于晚年修订“五经”。孔子的主张与中国许多传统信仰相通,他在祭祖、长幼关系、夫妻关系、家国关系等众多方面都提出了看法,并提出了著名的人际交往黄金法则“己所不欲,勿施于人”。孔子是历史上对“人道”影响极为深远的人之一。他的哲学与教义,如今仍深刻地影响着人们的生活。

Confucius (551–479 BC) was a Chinese teacher, editor, politician, and philosopher of the Spring and Autumn period of Chinese history. The philosophy of Confucius, also known as Confucianism, emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. Confucius was traditionally credited with having authored or edited many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the Five Classics. Confucius's principles had commonality with Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong family loyalty, ancestor veneration, and respect of elders by their children and of husbands by their wives, recommending family as a basis for ideal government. He espoused the well-known principle "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", the Golden Rule.
Throughout history, Confucius was widely considered as one of the most important and influential individuals in affecting the lives of humanity. His teaching and philosophy greatly impacted people around the world and still linger in today's society.
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辜鸿铭(1857.7-1928.4) 生于南洋马来半岛西北的槟榔屿,是满清时代精通西洋科学、语言兼及东方华学的中国第一人,又别署为汉滨读易者、冬烘先生。他精通英语、中文、俄语和法语,懂意大利语、古希腊语、拉丁文、日语和马来语。他不反对君主制度,推崇儒家学说。他翻译了中国"四书"中的三部--《论语》、《中庸》和《大学》,创获甚巨;并著有《中国的牛津运动》(原名《清流传》)和《中国人的精神》(原名《春秋大义》)等英文书,热衷向西方人宣传东方的文化和精神,并产生了重大的影响。

Gu Hongming
Gu Hongming (18 July 1857 – 30 April 1928) was a British Malaya born Chinese man of letters. He also used the pen name "Amoy Ku". He was fluent in English, Chinese, German, Russian and French, and understood Italian, Ancient Greek, Latin, Japanese and Malay. He is an advocate of monarchy and Confucian values, translating the Analects, the Doctrine of the Mean and the Great Learning. Gu is an envoy for Chinese culture. His works include The Story of a Chinese Oxford Movement and The Spirit of the Chinese People.


亚瑟•威利(Arthur Waley)(18881966),著名英国汉学家、文学翻译家。精通汉文、满文、蒙文、梵文、日文和西班牙文等语种。他一生撰著和译著共200余种,其中大部分都与中国文化有关。《不列颠百科全书》介绍他说:“他是20世纪前半个世纪中的最杰出的东方学家,也是将东方文种译为英文的最杰出的翻译家。……他是一位诗人和诗歌的创新者。由于他的译作,使中国文学易于为西方读者接受了。”

Arthur Waley

Arthur Waley (1888-1966), a famous British sinologist and literary translator. He is a Proficient in Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Sanskrit, Japanese and Spanish. He has written and translated more than 200 kinds of his life, most of which are related to Chinese culture. The Encyclopedia Britannica introduced him: "He is the most outstanding orientalist in the first half of the 20th century and the most outstanding translator who translated Eastern languages into English.... He is a poet and poet the innovator. Because of his translation, Chinese literature is easy to accept for Western readers."



安乐哲(Roger T. Ames),美国籍汉学大师,1947年生于加拿大多伦多,伦敦大学亚非学院博士(1978 [9]  。现任夏威夷大学哲学系教授、夏威夷大学和美国东西方中心亚洲发展项目主任、《东西方哲学》主编、《国际中国书评》主编。在中国,他广为人知的身份是世界儒学文化研究联合会会长,国际儒联副主席。



Roger T. Ames

Roger T. Ames (born 12 December 1947) is a Canadian-born philosopher, translator, and author. He is Humanities Chair Professor at Peking University in Beijing, China, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, and a Berggruen Fellow.[1] He has made significant contributions to the study of Chinese and comparative philosophy, in which he emphasizes the importance of understanding Chinese philosophy on its own terms rather than through the lens of Western philosophy.

Luo Siwen

Luo siwen is the Distinguished Professor of Humanities at St. Mary's College, the Senior Visiting Professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, and the author of "Mirror of China", and published "The Choice of Confucianism". In addition, he also edited or translated "Leibnitz: Chinese Tablets" and other six books. He is currently the editor-in-chief of "Asian Society and Comparative Philosophy."



约书亚·马什曼(Joshua Marshman)(1768-1837)是一位有成就的学者、语言学家和神学家,也是一位多产的作家和辩论家。他有幸成为第一个将《圣经》翻译成中文的人。1821年,塞伦出版社出版了《圣经》的第一个中文译本,这是马什曼花了十五年时间才完成的工作。1809年,他发表了一篇关于汉语文字和声音的论文和《论语》。

Joshua Marshman 

Joshua Marshman (1768-1837) was an accomplished scholar, linguist, and theologian and was a prolific author and polemicist. Marshman also has the honor of being the first to have translated the Bible into Chinese. In 1821, the Serampore Press published the first translation of the Bible into Chinese, the work on which Marshman had spent fifteen years. Marshman also published A Dissertation on the Characters and Sounds of the Chinese Language (1809), a translation of Confucius (1809).

柯大卫(David Collie) (-1828)是19世纪初期伦敦会派往马六甲的传教士, 曾随马礼逊学习中文,后任教于英华书院,是该院的第三任院长。主持英华书院期间,著译了十几种中英作品,培养了一批熟悉中西文化的学生,在19世纪初期的中西文化交流史上占有一席之地。
David Collie (- 1828) was a missionary sent to Malacca by London in the early nineteenth century. He studied Chinese with Morrison and later taught at the Anglo-Chinese Academy. He was the third Dean of the Academy. During presiding over the English-Chinese Academy, he translated more than a dozen Chinese and English works, trained a group of students familiar with Chinese and Western culture, and occupied a place in the history of cultural exchange between China and the West in the early 19th century.

理雅各(James Legge1815-1897)是近代英国著名汉学家,曾任香港英华书院校长,伦敦布道会传教士。他是第一个系统研究、翻译中国古代经典的人,从1861年到1886年的25年间,将《四书》、《五经》等中国主要典籍全部译出,共计28卷,他也是儒莲翻译奖的第一个获得者。18401873年间,理雅各作为伦敦传教会传教士,在马六甲以及香港传教,他也是牛津大学的第一位汉语教授。理雅格的多卷本《中国经典》、《法显行传》、《中国的宗教:儒教、道教与基督教的对比》和《中国编年史》等著作在西方汉学界占有重要地位。

James Legge (20 December 1815 – 29 November 1897) was a Scottish sinologist, missionary, and scholar, best known as an early and prolific translator of Classical Chinese texts into English. The Chinese Classics earned him the first Prix Stanislas Julien. Legge served as a representative of the London Missionary Society in Malacca and Hong Kong (1840–1873) and was the first Professor of Chinese at Oxford University (1876–1897). In association with Max Müller he prepared the monumental Sacred Books of the East series, published in 50 volumes between 1879 and 1891.