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The Great Learning is a prose that discusses Confucianism's self-cultivation of the country's thoughts. It was originally the 42nd article of Xiao Dai Liji. It was said that it was made by Zeng Zi. It is actually a Confucian work in the Qin and Han Dynasties. It is an ancient Chinese discussion education theory. It mainly summarizes the pre-Qin Confucian moral cultivation theory, as well as the basic principles and methods of moral cultivation. It also systematically discusses Confucian political philosophy and has profound enlightenment on being a person, doing things, and managing the country. After the Northern Song Dynasty, Cheng Hao and Cheng Hao tried to respect it. In the Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi made another The Great Learning, and eventually and The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects and Mencius were also called "Four Books." After the Song and Yuan dynasties, The Great Learning became a must-read for the school's official textbooks and imperial examinations, which had a great impact on ancient Chinese education.

作 者

曾子(公元前505年—公元前435年),春秋末年思想家,孔子晚年弟子之一,儒家学派的重要代表人物。 倡导以“孝恕忠信”为核心的儒家思想,“修齐治平”的政治观,“内省慎独”的修养观,“以孝为本”的孝道观至今仍具有极其宝贵的社会意义和实用价值。曾子参与编制了《论语》、撰写《大学》、《孝经》等作品。

Zeng Zi (505 BC - 435 BC), a thinker of the late Spring and Autumn Period, was one of Confucius's disciples in his later years, also an important representative of the Confucian school. He advocated the Confucianism with "filial piety and faithfulness" as the core, the political concept of "cultivating Qi Zhi Ping", the concept of "introspection and self-discipline", and the filial piety of "filial piety-based" still has extremely valuable social significance and practical value. Zeng Zi participated in the compilation of the Analects of Confucius, writing The Great Learning, The Classic of Filial Piety and other works.

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《大学》 理雅各英译文
理雅各(James Legge,1815年-1897年)是近代英国著名汉学家,曾任香港英华书院校长,伦敦布道会传教士。他是第一个系统研究、翻译中国古代经典的人,从1861年到1886年的25年间,将《四书》、《五经》等中国主要典籍全部译出,共计28卷,他也是儒莲翻译奖的第一个获得者。1840年1873年间,理雅各作为伦敦传教会传教士,在马六甲以及香港传教,他也是牛津大学的第一位汉语教授。理雅格的多卷本《中国经典》、《法显行传》、《中国的宗教:儒教、道教与基督教的对比》和《中国编年史》等著作在西方汉学界占有重要地位。
James Legge (20 December 1815 – 29 November 1897) was a Scottish sinologist, missionary, and scholar, best known as an early and prolific translator of Classical Chinese texts into English. The Chinese Classics earned him the first Prix Stanislas Julien. Legge served as a representative of the London Missionary Society in Malacca and Hong Kong (1840–1873) and was the first Professor of Chinese at Oxford University (1876–1897). In association with Max Müller he prepared the monumental Sacred Books of the East series, published in 50 volumes between 1879 and 1891.
《大学》 柯大卫英译文
柯大卫(David Collie) (-1828)是19世纪初期伦敦会派往马六甲的传教士, 曾随马礼逊学习中文,后任教于英华书院,是该院的第三任院长。主持英华书院期间,著译了十几种中英作品,培养了一批熟悉中西文化的学生,在19世纪初期的中西文化交流史上占有一席之地。
David Collie (- 1828) was a missionary sent to Malacca by London in the early nineteenth century. He studied Chinese with Morrison and later taught at the Anglo-Chinese Academy. He was the third Dean of the Academy. During presiding over the English-Chinese Academy, he translated more than a dozen Chinese and English works, trained a group of students familiar with Chinese and Western culture, and occupied a place in the history of cultural exchange between China and the West in the early 19th century.