《黄帝内经》,即《素问》与《灵枢》之合称,是中国现存最早的医学典籍,反映了中国古代的医学成就,奠定了中国医学发展的基础,成为中国医药之祖、医家之宗。所以唐人王冰在《黄帝内经素问注•序》中说:“其文简,其意博,其理奥,其趣深; 天地之象分,阴阳之候列,变化之由表,死生之兆彰;不谋而遐 迹自同,勿约而幽明斯契;稽其言有征,验之事不忒。”在中国几千年漫长的历史中,《黄帝内经》一直指导着中国医学的发展,中医学中众多流派的理论观点,莫不源于《黄帝内经》的基本思想。
Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine is a free translation of Huangdi Neijing which is composed of two separate books, namely Suwen and Lingshu which are often translated into Plain Conversation and Spiritual Pivot in English respectively. Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine is the earliest extant medical canon in China that records the achievements of medicine made by Chinese people in ancient times. In the Preface to Explanation of Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine • Plain Conversation, Wang Bing, an important medical scholar in the Tang Dynasty (618 〜 907 A. D. ),said, “It is simple in description, profound in meaning, and mysterious in theory. It describes the difference between the heavens and the earth,the order of Yin and Yang, the causes of changes and the signs of life and death. ”In the past thousands of years, Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Medicine guided the development of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) . The so-called various schools of theories in TCM developed in history all originated from the basic theory elucidated in Yellow Emperor's Canon of Medicine.