(周文王问姜太公:“我想知道治理国家最重要的事情是什么,要使君主得到 尊崇、民众得到安宁,应该怎么办呢?”姜太公说:“只要爱民就可以了。” 周文王问:“怎样爱民呢?”姜太公说:“使民众获利而不去妨碍他们,帮助 民众成事而不去毁坏他们,利于民众生存而不去伤害他们,给予民众实惠而 不是从他们手中夺走,使民众快乐而不是使他们痛苦,使民众高兴而不是使 他们愤怒。”)
King Wen of Zhou asked Jiang Taigong, “I would like to ask: what are the most important things in governing a country that must be done for the ruler to enjoy respect and the people to have peace?” Jiang Taigong replied, “Just love the people.” King Wen asked, “How does one love the people?” Jiang Taigong said, “Allow the people to gain profits and do not obstruct them; help the people achieve successes and do not ruin them; let the people live and do not harm them; give the people benefits and do not take them; bring the people joy and not suffering; make the people happy and not angry.”
(The Six Strategies)
古者以仁为本、以义治之之谓正。……战道:不违时,不历民病,所以爱 吾民也;不加丧,不因凶,所以爱夫其民也;冬夏不兴师,所以兼爱其民也。
(古人以仁爱为根本、以治军合乎道义为正道。……战争的原则是:不在农 忙时兴兵,不在民众流行疫病时兴兵,为的是爱护自己的民众;不趁敌国有 国丧时发动战争,不趁敌国有灾荒时发动战争,为的是爱护敌国的民众;不 在冬夏两季兴兵,为的是爱护敌我双方的民众。)
The ancient people considered benevolent love to be the foundation of society,and the use of force in ethical ways as the proper way. …The principles of warfare are to not assemble an army during the harvest season or when there is an epidemic among the people, because you love your own people; to not start a war when the enemy state is in mourning or has a natural disaster, because you love its people; to not assemble an army during the winter or summer, because you love both your people and your enemy’s people.
(The General Commander’s Treatise on War)